(Brianna Richardson) is an inspiring and creative individual who seamlessly merges her love for both engineering and the arts. Holding a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Mercer University and an M.S. in Engineering Management from Kennesaw State University, she brings a unique perspective to everything she does.

A passionate poet, BRi is an active member of The Galaxy of Poets, where she collaborates with others in the Mental Health Committee to raise awareness and foster support through poetry. Her performances, which have captivated audiences across the Middle Georgia area, reflect her dedication to using her art as a powerful form of expression.

Outside of her creative pursuits, BRi enjoys video gaming, dancing, watching TV shows, and spending quality time with her husband, DiAndre.

You can stay connected with her on the following social media platforms:

Instagram: @bri.poetic

YouTube: @bri.poetic

Facebook: @Brianna Richardson

TikTok: @bri.poetic1


Hello, my name is Tanya Cowperthwaite and I am a Certified Anger Management Specialist.  I am also the owner of RAMP Results Anger Management, LLC.  I gained my anger management and Parenting certification through Impact Training while under Dr. Gary Byrd’s supervision.  I was 1of 35 in the state accepted for the Peer Project and to then go on to Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network to gain my Peer Support Specialist certification under the Department of Behavioral Health and Development Disabilities.  I was then accepted in other hard to gain certifications such as WHAM (Whole Health Action Management) and Trauma Informed Care.  Since then, I have gone on to gain a degree in Biblical Theology and this has since been the major base for our coaching.  

Our business also uses years of lived experience and years of anger management and domestic violence coaching required for legal purposes.  Due to life’s circumstances, God provided me personally a path to recovery and serenity.  With the lived experience along with years of training and education, we help others learn to combat negative thinking patterns by using Choice Theory, Dr Albert Ellis’s ABCD Theory, and the Gospel.  We will use CBT therapy to identify the beliefs behind the anger and learn to process this normal feeling in a more productive manner.  We work closely with DFCS, probation, and many churches in this area. 

My life’s passion is to help others gain the power and peace back in their lives from their anger and other hard to cope with feelings.  I offer evening and some weekend appointments, in person and online through telehealth and would love to assist you as best as I can.